Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why Social Media

Why Social Media? Why get on the bandwagon of this 'buzz' train? Many are talking about it - but is it the right fit for you? Social Media Marketing (SMM) can provide many things to any company of any size. Before you engage in any Social Media program (or try to fix a unresponsive program) ensure that you map out very specific objectives of what you are trying to accomplish and exactly what your SM program is intended to accomplish for your company. Just getting out there with a Facebook page, Twitter account, or Blog will not bring you the sales leads you are after.

Some items Social Media can accomplish for you:
* Social Media is a customer service tool available on networks your customers now visit.
* Social Media can drive product innovation by providing market research.
* Social Media helps humanize a corporation one conversation at a time.
* Social Media builds "stickier" relationships with customers who then turn into virtual ambassadors for a company's brand -- assuming your products are worth talking about in the first place!
* Social Media provides search engine optimization benefits which drive prospects into your sales and marketing funnel on your site.
* Marketing efficiencies when customers help each other because customer trust each other more than anyone else.

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